Periodontal Country Profile
The Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences in Japan maintains the periodontal component of the WHO oral health data bank. Updated periodontal information is now available.
01 Feb 2023
An overview of CPI (Community Periodontal Index) data in the WHO global oral health data bank for the age groups 15-19 years, 35-44 years and 65-74 years is located at Niigata University, Japan.
The information of periodontal country profiles has been recently updated. The updated countries are as follows:
· Brazil
· Burkina Faso
· Canada
· Chile
· China
· Ethiopia
· Fiji
· Finland
· Germany
· Ghana
· Iraq
· Italy
· Japan
· Jordan
· Latvia
· Mexico
· Morocco
· Nepal
· Netherlands
· New Zealand
· Nigeria
· Norway
· Oman
· Poland
· Saudi Arabia
· Slovenia
· Spain
· Sri Lanka
· Taiwan (Non-member)
· Thailand
· Tunisia
· Turkey
· United Kingdom
· Uruguay
· Viet Nam
Other related General Information
(Indices, country info, links)
WHO HQ Geneva
WHO Oral Health Programme
WHO Oral Health Country/Area Profile Programme, WHO Collaborating Center, Malmo University, Sweden
Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Japan
Division of Preventive Dentistry