The Asian Chief Dental Officers' Meeting


The main theme of the 13th ACDOM

Oral health: time for action


- Co-founder: Dr. Prathip Phantumvanit (Kingdom of Thailand) Prof. Dato' Dr. Norain Abu Talib (Malaysia)
- Local Organising Chairperson: Clinical Professor Dr. Sirichai Kiattavorncharoen (Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University)

Meeting Members

There were 18 Chief Dental Officers (CDOs)/representatives from the following countries/territories who attended the meeting.
I. Brunei Darussalam II. Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka III. Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal IV. Federation of Malaysia V. Hong Kong SAR VI. Kingdom of Bhutan VII. Kingdom of Cambodia VIII. Kingdom of Thailand IX. Laos People's Democratic Republic X. Mongolia XI. People's Republic of China XII. Republic of Indonesia XIII. Republic of Korea XIV. Republic of Maldives XV. Republic of Singapore XVI. Republic of the Philippines XVII. Republic of the Union of Myanmar XVIII. Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
Two dental officers of the World Health Organization (WHO) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, Dr. Benoit Varenne and Dr. Yuriko Harada, and an officer from the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO), Philippines, attended this meeting and were responsible for presenting and discussing the global actions and the national roadmap. Professor Ian Meyers from the University of Queensland, Australia, was invited to the meeting as a speaker. In addition, members from WHO collaborating centres (WHO CC) for Oral Health Education and Research, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, Thailand and WHO CC for Translation of Oral Health Science, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences were also present.


Dr.Voramon Agrasuta (Kingdom of Thailand), Dr. Tan Ee Hong (Malaysia)

Local Organiser (Kingdom of Thailand)

- WHO Collaborating Centre for Oral Health Education and Research, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, Thailand
- Bureau of Dental Health, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand

Local Organising Committee

Clinical Professor Dr. Sirichai Kiattavorncharoen(Chairman), Professor Dr. Waranun Buajeeb (Vice-Chairman), Dr. Prathip Phantumvanit (Committee), Dr. Piyada Prasertsom(Committee), Dr. Warangkana Vejvithee(Committee), Associate Professor Dr.Ratchapin Srisatjatuk(Committee), Assistant Professor Bundhit Jirajariyavej(Committee), Associate Professor Dr.Tippanart Vichayanrat(Committee), Dr. Voramon Agrasuta (Secretary), Dr. Raksanan Karawekpanyawong(Assistant secretary), Dr. Hikaru Okubo(Assistant secretary), Ms. Siyaphat Piyasakphitchaya(Assistant secretary)