

  1. 安藤雄一,葭原明弘,清田義和,廣富敏伸,小川祐司,金子 昇,高野尚子,山賀孝之,王 晶,神森秀樹,岸 洋志,花田信弘,宮ア秀夫:高齢者を対象とした歯科疫学調査におけるサンプルの偏りに関する研究−質問紙の回答状況および健診受診の有無別にみた口腔および全身健康状態の比較−,口腔衛生会誌,50, 322-333, 2000.
  2. 木村靖夫,吉武 裕,島田美恵子,西牟田 守,花田信弘,米満正美,竹原直道,中垣晴男,宮ア秀夫:80歳高齢者の身体自立に必要な体力水準について,Research in Exercise Epidemiology,2, 23-31, 2000.
  3. Sugita N, Kobayashi T, Ando Y, Yoshihara A, Yamamoto K, van de Winkel JGG, Miyazaki H, Yoshie H: Increased frequency of FcγRIIIb-NA1 allele in periodontitis-resistant group in elderly Japanese population. J Dent Res, 80, 914-918, 2001. [Online Journal]
  4. Murata T, Miyazaki H, Senpuku H, Hanada N: Periodontitis and serum interleukin-6 level in the elderly. Jpn J Infect Dis, 54, 69-71, 2001. [Online Journal]
  5. Salam MA, Senpuku H, Nomura Y, Matin K, Miyazaki H, Hanada N: Isolation of opportunistic pathogens in dental plaque, saliva and tonsil samples from elderly. Jpn J Infect Dis, 54, 193-195, 2001. [Online Journal]
  6. Yamaga T, Yoshihara A, Ando Y, Yoshitake Y, Kimura Y, Shimada M, Nishimuta M, Miyazaki H: Relationship between dental occlusion and physical fitness in an elderly population. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 57, M616-M620, 2002. [Online Journal]
  7. Ogawa H, Hirotomi T, Yoshihara A, Ando Y, Miyazaki H: Risk factors for periodontal disease progression among elderly people. J Clin Periodontol, 29, 592-597, 2002. [Online Journal]
  8. 清田義和,葭原明弘,安藤雄一,宮ア秀夫:70歳高齢者の歯の喪失リスク要因に関する研究,口腔衛生会誌,52, 663-671, 2002.
  9. Hirotomi T, Yoshihara A, Andoh Y, Miyazaki H: Longitudinal study on periodontal conditions in healthy elderly people in Japan. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 30, 409-417, 2002. [Online Journal]
  10. 神森秀樹,葭原明弘,安藤雄一,宮ア秀夫:健常高齢者における咀嚼能力が栄養摂取に及ぼす影響,口腔衛生会誌,53, 13-22, 2003.
  11. Yoshihara A, Hanada N, Miyazaki H: Association between serum albumin and root caries in community-dwelling older adults. J Dent Res, 82, 218-222, 2003. [Online Journal]
  12. 樋浦健二,葭原明弘,宮ア秀夫:パノラマX線を用いた高齢者の辺縁部及び根尖部の歯周組織健康状態に関する研究,口腔衛生会誌,52, 130-136, 2003.
  13. Senpuku H, Sogame A, Inoshita E, Tsuha Y, Miyazaki H, Hanada N: Systemic diseases in association with microbial species in oral biofilm from elderly requiring care. Gerontology, 49, 301-309, 2003. [Online Journal]
  14. 高野尚子,葭原明弘,安藤雄一,小川祐司,廣富敏伸,山賀孝之,花田信弘,宮ア秀夫:高齢者の根面う蝕の有病状況と歯冠う蝕との関連,口腔衛生会誌,53, 592-599, 2003.
  15. Takano N, Ando Y, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Factors associated with root caries incidence in an elderly population. Community Dental Health, 20, 217-222, 2003. [Online Journal]
  16. Ayabe M, Yahiro T, Mori Y, Takayama K, Tobina T, Ishii K, Yoshitake Y, Miyazaki H, Kiyonaga A, Shindo M, Tanaka H: Simple assessment of lactate threshold by means of the bench stepping in older population. Int J Sport and Health Sci, 1, 207-215, 2003.
  17. 樋口博之,綾部誠也,進藤宗洋,吉武 裕,田中宏暁:加速度センサーを内蔵した歩数計による若年者と高齢者の日常身体活動,体力科学,52, 111-118, 2003.
  18. 小林孝雄,中島啓介,葭原明弘,宮ア秀夫,小鷲悠典:高齢者における歯周組織の状態と血清IgGサブクラスとの関連,日本歯周病会誌,46, 31-38, 2004.
  19. Senpuku H, Tada A, Yamaga T, Hanada N, Miyazaki H: Relationship between volatile sulphide compounds concentration and oral bacteria species detection in the elderly. Int Dent J, 54, 149-153, 2004. [Online Journal]
  20. Yoshihara A, Seida Y, Hanada N, Miyazaki H: A longitudinal study of the relationship between periodontal disease and bone mineral density in community-dwelling older adults. J Clin Periodontol, 31, 680-684, 2004. [Online Journal]
  21. 葭原明弘,清田義和,片岡照二郎,花田信弘,宮ア秀夫:地域在住高齢者の食欲とQOLとの関連,口腔衛生会誌,54, 241-248, 2004.
  22. Watanabe R, Hanamori K, Kadoya H, Nishimuta M, Miyazaki H: Nutritional intakes in community-dwelling older Japanese adults: High intakes of energy and protein based on high consumption of fish, vegetables and fruits provide sufficient micronutrients. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol, 50, 184-195, 2004. [Online Journal]
  23. 岩舩素子,五十嵐直子,河野正司,清田義和,葭原明弘,宮ア秀夫:義歯の装着と咬合力および噛める食品との関係,新潟歯学会誌,34, 213-218, 2004.
  24. Amarasena N, Ogawa H, Yoshihara A, Hanada N, Miyazaki H: Serum vitamin C-periodontal relationship in community-dwelling elderly Japanese. J Clin Periodontol, 32, 93-97, 2005. [Online Journal]
  25. Yoshioka M, Ayabe M, Yahiro T, Higuchi H, Higaki Y, St-Amand J, Miyazaki H, Yoshitake Y, Shindo M, Tanaka H: Long-period accelerometer monitoring shows the role of physical activity in overweight and obesity. Int J Obesity, Relat Metab Disord, 29, 502-508, 2005. [Online Journal]
  26. Yoshihara A, Sugita N, Yamamoto K, Kobayashi T, Hirotomi T, Ogawa H, Miyazaki H, Yoshie H: FcγRIIIb genotypes and smoking in periodontal disease progression among community-dwelling older adults in Japan. J Periodontol, 76, 250-255, 2005. [Online Journal]
  27. Nakashima K, Kobayashi T, Yoshihara A, Fujiwara J, Miyazaki H, Kowashi Y: Periodontal conditions in an elderly Japanese population influenced by smoking status and serum IgG2 levels. J Periodontol, 76, 582-589, 2005. [Online Journal]
  28. Yoshihara A, Seida Y, Hanada N, Nakashima K, Miyazaki H: The relationship between bone mineral density and the number of remaining teeth in community-dwelling older adults. J Oral Rehabil, 32, 735-740, 2005. [Online Journal]
  29. Rahardjo A, Yoshihara A, Amarasena N, Ogawa H, Nakashima K, Miyazaki H: Relationship between bleeding on probing and periodontal disease progression in community-dwelling older adults. J Clin Periodontol, 32, 1129-1133, 2005. [Online Journal]
  30. Yoshihara A, Watanabe R, Nishimuta M, Hanada N, Miyazaki H: The relationship between dietary intake and the number of teeth in elderly Japanese subjects. Gerodontology, 22, 211-218, 2005. [Online Journal]
  31. 渡邊令子:自立高齢者サプリメント利用の実態−2003年度新潟市高齢者コホート調査から−,日本健康医学会誌,14, 14-19, 2005.
  32. 石川正夫,前田伸子,譽田英喜,武藤隆嗣,安藤雄一,渋谷耕司,宮ア秀夫:高齢者の口腔微生物叢に関する研究−70歳者の口腔状態と口腔微生物叢,口腔衛生会誌,56, 18-27, 2006.
  33. 和田英子,福渡 努,佐々木隆造,西牟田 守,宮ア秀夫,花田信弘,柴田克己:高齢者の血液中NADおよびNADP含量,ビタミン,80, 125-127, 2006.
  34. Ogawa H, Yoshihara A, Amarasena N, Hirotomi T, Miyazaki H: Association between serum albumin and periodontal disease in community-dwelling elderly. J Clin Periodontol, 33, 312-316, 2006. [Online Journal]
  35. Wang J, Ohshima T, Yasunari U, Namikoshi S, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H, Maeda N: The carriage of Candida species on the dorsal surface of the tongue: the correlation with the dental, periodontal and prosthetic status in elderly subjects. Gerodontology, 23, 157-163, 2006. [Online Journal]
  36. Hirotomi T, Yoshihara A, Ogawa H, Ito K, Igarashi A, Miyazaki H: A preliminary study on the relationship between stimulated saliva and periodontal conditions in community-dwelling elderly people. J Dentistry, 34, 692-698, 2006. [Online Journal]
  37. Tada A, Senpuku H, Motozawa Y, Yoshihara A, Hanada N, Tanzawa H: Association between commensal bacteria and opportunistic pathogens in the dental plaque of elderly individuals. Clin Microbiol Infect, 12, 776-781, 2006. [Online Journal]
  38. Saotome Y, Tada A, Hanada N, Yoshihara A, Uematsu H, Miyazaki H, Senpuku H: Relationship of cariogenic bacteria levels with periodontal status and root surface caries in elderly Japanese. Gerodontology, 23, 219-225, 2006. [Online Journal]
  39. Tobina T, Ayabe M, Yoshitake Y, Kimura Y, Miyazaki H, Ishii K, Zhang B, Saku K, Shindo M, Kiyonaga A, Tanaka H: Relationship between angiotensin converting enzyme gene I/D polymorphism and muscle strength in elderly. Int J Sport and Health Sci, 4, 460-464, 2006.
  40. 白根和明,小川祐司,広冨敏伸,高野尚子,山賀孝之,金子 昇,佐久間汐子,葭原明弘,宮ア秀夫:高齢者集団におけるCPIとアタッチメントロス評価法(WHO)の有用性および歯周健康状態に関する5年間の縦断研究,口腔衛生会誌,57, 28-35, 2007.
  41. Senpuku H, Tada A, Nakao R, Yonezawa H, Yoneda S, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Relationshps of anti-PAc (361-386) peptide salivary IgA antibody, eosinophils, and basophils with periodontal status in elderly. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol, 49, 84-90, 2007. [Online Journal]
  42. Yoshihara A, Deguchi T, Hanada N, Miyazaki H: Renal function and periodontal disease in elderly Japanese. J Periodontol, 78, 1241-1248, 2007. [Online Journal]
  43. Yoshihara A, Hirotomi T, Takano N, Kondo T, Hanada N, Miyazaki H: Serum markers of chronic dehydroration are associated with saliva spinability. J Oral Rehabil, 34, 733-738, 2007. [Online Journal]
  44. Yoshihara A, Takano N, Hirotomi T, Ogawa H, Hanada N, Miyazaki H: Longitudinal relationship between root caries and serum albmin. J Dent Res, 86, 1115-1119, 2007. [Online Journal]
  45. 永山 寛,木村靖夫,島田美惠子,中川直樹,西牟田 守,大橋正春,宮ア秀夫,浜岡隆文,吉武 裕:地方都市在住高齢者における日常生活での歩数と体力との関係,体力科学,57, 151-162, 2008.
  46. Iwasaki M, Yoshihara A, Hirotomi T, Ogawa H, Hanada N, Miyazaki H: Longitudinal study on the relationship between serum albumin and periodontal disease. J Clin Periodontol, 35, 291-296, 2008. [Online Journal]
  47. Deguchi T, Yoshihara A, Hanada N, Miyazaki H: Relationship between mandibular inferior cortex and general bone metabolism in older adults. Osteoporos Int, 19, 935-940, 2008. [Online Journal]
  48. Amarasena N, Yoshihara A, Hirotomi T, Takano N, Miyazaki H: Association between serum calcium and periodontal disease progression in non-institutionalized elderly. Gerodontology, 25, 245-250, 2008. [Online Journal]
  49. Hirotomi T, Yoshihara A, Ogawa H, Ito K, Igarashi A, Miyazaki H: Salivary spinability and periodontal disease progression in an elderly population. Arch Oral Biol, 53, 1071-1076, 2008. [Online Journal]
  50. Furugen R, Hayashida H, Yoshihara A, Ogawa H, Miyazaki H, Saito T: The relationship between periodontal condition and serum levels of resistin and adiponectin in elderly Japanese. J Periodontal Res, 43, 556-562, 2008. [Online Journal]
  51. Kamoda Y, Uematsu H, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H, Senpuku H: Role of activated natural killer cells in oral diseases. Jpn J Infect Dis, 61, 469-474, 2008. [Online Journal]
  52. Yoshihara A, Deguchi T, Hanada N, Miyazaki H: Relation of bone turnover markers to periodontal disease and jaw bone morphology in elderly Japanese subjects. Oral Dis, 15, 176-181, 2009. [Online Journal]
  53. Izumi A, Yoshihara A, Hirotomi T, Miyazaki H: The relationship between serum lipids and periodontitis in elderly non-smokers. J Periodontol, 80, 740-748, 2009. [Online Journal]
  54. Yoshihara A, Watanabe R, Hanada N, Miyazaki H: A longitudinal study of the relationship between diet intake and dental caries and periodontal disease in elderly Japanese subjects. Gerodontology, 26, 130-136, 2009. [Online Journal]
  55. 近藤隆子,葭原明弘,清田義和,宮ア秀夫:70歳地域在住高齢者の歯の喪失リスク要因に関する研究−5年間のコホート調査結果−,口腔衛生会誌,59, 198-206, 2009.
  56. Yoshihara A, Tobina T, Yamaga T, Ayabe M, Yoshitake Y, Kimura Y, Shimada M, Nishimuta M, Nakagawa N, Ohashi M, Hanada N, Tanaka H, Kiyonaga A, Miyazaki H: Physical function is weakly associated with angiotensin-converting enzyme gene I/D polymorphism in elderly Japanese subjects. Gerontology, 55, 387-392, 2009. [Online Journal]
  57. 昆 はるか,佐藤直子,野村修一,櫻井直樹,田中みか子,細貝暁子,山田一穂,金城篤史,甲斐朝子,山下絵美,金子敦郎,真柄 仁,小林 博,宮ア秀夫,葭原明弘,河野正司:高齢義歯装着者の義歯への満足度に影響する要因について,日本補綴歯科学会誌,1, 361-369, 2009.
  58. 岩ア正則,葭原明弘,村松芳多子,渡邊令子,宮ア秀夫:簡易自己式食事歴質問票BDHQによる80歳高齢者の食べる速さと栄養素等摂取状況との関連,口腔衛生会誌,60, 30-37, 2010.
  59. Kiswanjaya B, Yoshihara A, Deguchi-Saito T, Miyazaki H: Relationship between mandibular inferior cortex and bone stiffness in Japanese elderly people. Osteoporos Int, 21, 433-438, 2010. [Online Journal]
  60. 岩ア正則,葭原明弘,村松芳多子,渡邊令子,宮ア秀夫:高齢者における咀嚼回数と食品群別摂取量および栄養素等摂取量との関連,口腔衛生会誌,60, 128-138, 2010.
  61. Hirotomi T, Yoshihara A, Ogawa H, Miyazaki H: Tooth-related risk factors for periodontal disease in community-dwelling elderly people. J Clin Periodontol, 37, 494-500, 2010. [Online Journal]
  62. 船山さおり,伊藤加代子,濃野 要,五十嵐敦子,井上 誠,葭原明弘,宮ア秀夫:高齢者の口腔乾燥感と神経症症状および服薬との関連,口腔衛生会誌,60, 575-583, 2010.
  63. Iwasaki M, Yoshihara A, Moynihan P, Watanabe R, Taylor G, Miyazaki H: Longitudinal relationship between dietary ω-3 fatty acids and periodontal disease. Nutrition, 26, 1105-1109, 2010. [Online Journal]
  64. 近藤明子,西牟田 守,宮ア秀夫,花田信弘,武田隆久,木村美恵子:血液中濃度からみた日本人高齢者のマグネシウム栄養状態,マグネシウム,29, 17-26, 2010.
  65. Iwasaki M, Yoshihara A, Moynihan P, Watanabe R, Miyazaki H: Dietary omega-3 fatty acid may control periodontal disease. Agro Food Ind Hi Tec, 21, 34-37, 2010.
  66. Okuyama N, Yamaga T, Yoshihara A, Nohno K, Yoshitake Y, Kimura Y, Shimada M, Nakagawa N, Nishimuta M, Ohashi M, Miyazaki H: Influence of dental occlusion on physical fitness decline in a healthy Japanese elderly population. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 52, 172-176, 2011. [Online Journal]
  67. Ichikawa K, Sakuma S, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H, Funayama S, Ito K, Igarashi A: Relationships between the amount of saliva and medications in elderly individuals. Gerodontology, 28, 116-120, 2011. [Online Journal]
  68. Iwasaki M, Taylor GW, Moynihan P, Yoshihara A, Muramatsu K, Watanabe R, Miyazaki H: Dietary ratio of n-6 to n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and periodontal disease in community-based older Japanese: a 3-year follow up study. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty, Acids, 85, 107-112, 2011. [Online Journal]
  69. Iwasaki M, Manz M, Moynihan P, Yoshihara A, Muramatsu K, Watanabe R, Miyazaki H: Relationship between saturated fatty acids and periodontal disease. J Dent Res, 90, 861-867, 2011. [Online Journal]
  70. Yoshihara A, Hayashi Y, Miyazaki H: Relationships among bone turnover, renal function and periodontal disease in elderly Japanese. J Periodontal Res, 46, 491-496, 2011. [Online Journal]
  71. Yoshihara A, Deguchi T, Miyazaki H: Relationship between bone fragility of the mandibular inferior cortex and tooth loss related to periodontal disease in older people. Community Dental Health, 28, 165-169, 2011. [Online Journal]
  72. 鈴木亜夕帆,渡辺智子,西川浩昭,渡邊令子,西牟田守,宮ア秀夫:義歯による疼痛が高齢者の食品摂取に与える影響,民族衛生,77, 85-93, 2011. [Online Journal]
  73. Takata Y, Ansai T, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Glomerular filtration rate and 10-year mortality in a 70-year-old community-dwelling Japanese population. Aging Clin Exp Res, 23, 223-230, 2011. [Online Journal]
  74. Kaneko M, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Relationship between root caries and cardiac arrhythmia. Gerodontology, 28, 289-295, 2011. [Online Journal]
  75. Yoshihara A, Iwasaki M, Miyazaki H: Mineral content of calcium and magnesium in the serum and longitudinal periodontal progression in Japanese elderly smokers. J Clin Periodontol, 38, 992-997, 2011. [Online Journal]
  76. Takata Y, Ansai T, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Serum albumin (SA) levels and 10-year mortality in a community-dwelling 70-year-old population. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 54, 39-43, 2012. [Online Journal]
  77. Iwasaki M, Taylor GW, Nesse W, Vissink A, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Periodontal disease and decreased kidney function in Japanese elderly. Am J Kidney Dis, 59, 202-209, 2012. [Online Journal]
  78. Iwasaki M, Manz MC, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Relations of serum ascorbic acid and α-tocopherol to periodontal disease. J Dent Res, 91, 167-172, 2012. [Online Journal]
  79. Hirotomi T, Yoshihara A, Ogawa H, Miyazaki H: Association of dental status with vegetable intake in an elderly population. J Aging Res Clin Prac, 1, 84-87, 2012.
  80. Hirotomi T, Yoshihara A, Ogawa H, Miyazaki H: Tooth-related risk factors for tooth loss in community-dwelling elderly people. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 40, 154-163, 2012. [Online Journal]
  81. Makino Y, Yamaga T, Yoshihara A, Nohno K, Miyazaki H: Association between volatile sulfur compounds and periodontal disease progression in elderly non-smokers. J Periodontol, 83, 635-643, 2012. [Online Journal]
  82. Iwasaki M, Taylor GW, Manz MC, Kaneko N, Imai S, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Serum antibody to Porphyromonas gingivalis in chronic kidney disease. J Dent Res, 91, 828-833, 2012. [Online Journal]
  83. Takata Y, Shimada M, Ansai T, Yoshitake Y, Nishimuta M, Nakagawa N, Ohashi M, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Physical performance and 10-year mortality in a 70-year-old community-dwelling population. Aging Clin Exp Res, 24, 257-264, 2012. [Online Journal]
  84. Iwasaki M, Moynihan P, Manz MC, Taylor GW, Yoshihara A, Muramatsu K, Watanabe R, Miyazaki H: Dietary antioxidants and periodontal disease in community-based older Japanese: A 2-year follow-up study. Public Health Nutr, 16, 330-338, 2013. [Online Journal]
  85. Yoshihara A, Watanabe R, Nishimuta M, Miyazaki H: Tooth loss, periodontal disease, and mineral content of calcium and magnesium in the diet or urine in the elderly. J Aging Res & Clin Prac, 2, 126-130, 2013.
  86. Yoshihara A, Iwasaki M, Ogawa H, Miyazaki H: Serum albumin levels and 10-year tooth loss in a 70-year-old population. J Oral Rehabil, 40, 678-685, 2013. [Online Journal]
  87. Hanindriyo L, Yoshihara A, Hirotomi T, Miyazaki H: The relationship among periodontal condition, serum lipid, and electrocardiographic abnormalities in the elderly: A prospective cohort study. OJST, 3, 457-563, 2013.
  88. Kiswanjaya B, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Mandibular inferior cortex erosion as a sign of elevated total serum calcium in elderly people: a 9-year follow-up study. Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 43, 20130341, 2014. [Online Journal]
  89. Hirotomi T, Kocher T, Yoshihara A, Biffar R, Micheelis W, Hoffmann T, Miyazaki H, Holtfreter B: Comparison of periodontal conditions among three elderly populations in Japan and Germany. J Clin Periodontol, 41, 633-642, 2014. [Online Journal]
  90. Iwasaki M, Taylor GW, Manz MC, Yoshihara A, Sato M, Muramatsu K, Watanabe R, Miyazaki H: Oral health status: relationship to nutrient and food intake among 80-year-old Japanese adults. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 42, 441-450, 2014. [Online Journal]
  91. 橋元千久佐,葭原明弘,宮ア秀夫:地域在住高齢者における食欲および咀嚼不自由感と関連要因に関する研究,口腔衛生会誌,64, 284-290, 2014.
  92. Iwasaki M, Minagawa K, Sato M, Kaneko N, Imai S, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Serum antibody to Porphyromonas gingivalis in metabolic syndrome among an older Japanese population. Gerodontology, 33, 193-200, 2016. [Online Journal]
  93. 鈴木亜夕帆,渡邊智子,渡邊令子,中路和子,満田浩子,井上小百合,山岡近子,西牟田守,宮ア秀夫:食事秤量調査法による自立高齢者の食品群および栄養素摂取の実態−一般成分,無機質,ビタミン,脂肪酸,アミノ酸,糖質−,日本食生活学会誌,25, 259-269, 2015.
  94. Minagawa K, Iwasaki M, Ogawa H, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Relationship between metabolic syndrome and periodontitis in 80-year-old Japanese subjects. J Periodont Res, 50, 173-179, 2015. [Online Journal]
  95. Takiguchi T, Yoshihara A, Takano N, Miyazaki H: Oral Health and Depression in older Japanese people. Gerodontology, 33, 439-446, 2016. [Online Journal]
  96. Iwasaki M, Sato M, Minagawa K, Manz M, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Longitudinal relationship between metabolic syndrome and periodontal disease among Japanese adults aged ≥70 years: the Niigata Study. J Periodontol, 86, 491-498, 2015. [Online Journal]
  97. Hirotomi T, Yoshihara A, Ogawa H, Miyazaki H: Number of teeth and 5-year mortality in an elderly population. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 43, 226-231, 2015. [Online Journal]
  98. Iwasaki M, Yoshihara A, Ito K, Sato M, Minagawa K, Muramatsu K, Watanabe R, Manz MC, Ansai T, Miyazaki H: Hyposalivation and dietary nutrient intake among community-based older Japanese. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 16, 500-507, 2016. [Online Journal]
  99. Yamamoto N, Shimada M, Nakagawa N, Sawada S, Nishimuta M, Kimura Y, Ohashi M, Asai H, Miyazaki H, Lee I-M, Blair SN, Yoshitake Y: Tracking of pedometer-determined physical activity in healthy elderly Japanese people. J Phys Act Health, 12, 1421-1429, 2015. [Online Journal]
  100. Sato M, Iwasaki M, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Association between periodontitis and medical expenditure in elderly people: a 33-month follow-up study. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 16, 856-864, 2016. [Online Journal]
  101. Iwasaki M, Sato M, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Effects of periodontal diseases on diabetes-related medical expenditure. Curr Oral Health Rep, 3, 7-13, 2016.
  102. Sato N, Ono T, Kon H, Sakurai N, Kohno S, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Ten-year longitudinal study on the state of dentition and subjective masticatory ability in community-dwelling elderly people. J Prosthodont Res, 60, 177-184, 2016. [Online Journal]
  103. Iwasaki M, Sato M, Yoshihara A, Ansai T, Miyazaki H: Association between tooth loss and medical costs related to stroke in healthy elderly aged over 75 years in Japan. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 17, 202-210, 2017. [Online Journal]
  104. Senpuku H, Miyazaki H, Yoshihara A, Yoneda S, Narisawa N, Kawarai T, Nakagawa N, Miyachi M, Tada A, Yoshida G, Shimada M, Ohashi M, Nishimuta M, Kimura Y, Yoshitake Y: CD56dimCD16high and CD56brightCD16- cell percentages associated with maximum knee extensor strength and incidence of death in the elderly. SpringerPlus, 5, 244, 2016. [Online Journal]
  105. Iwasaki M, Yoshihara A, Sato N, Sato M, Taylor GW, Ansai T, Ono T, Miyazaki H: Maximum bite force at age 70 years predicts all-cause mortality during the following 13 years in Japanese men. J Oral Rehabili, 43, 565-574, 2016. [Online Journal]
  106. Igarashi A, Kato N, Watanabe M, Ito K, Takeishi H, Funayama S, Nomura S, Miyazaki H: An investigation of drug-intake and serum zinc level in 414 elderly people aged 75 years. J Gerodont, 21, 35-40, 2006.
  107. Iwasaki M, Yoshihara A, Ogawa H, Sato M, Mutamatsu K, Watanabe R, Ansai T, Miyazaki H: Longitudinal association of dentition status with dietary intake in Japanese adults aged 75 to 80 years. J Oral Rehabili, 43, 737-744, 2016. [Online Journal]
  108. 木村秀喜,渡邊智子,鈴木亜夕帆,岩崎正則,葭原明弘,小川祐司,宮ア秀夫:現在歯数20本以上の75歳高齢者は「健康な食事パターン」を満たしているか?,口腔衛生会誌,67, 172-180, 2017. [Online Journal]
  109. Iwasaki M, Sato M, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Malnutrition and oral disease in the elderly - is there any bidirectional relationship? Curr Oral Health Rep, 4, 70-78, 2017.
  110. Iwasaki M, Yoshihara A, Sato M, Minagawa K, Shimada M, Nishimuta M, Ansai T, Yoshitake Y, Miyazaki H: Dentition status and frailty in community-dwelling older adults: A 5-year prospective cohort study. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 18, 256-262, 2018. [Online Journal]
  111. Iwasaki M, Yoshihara A, Sato N, Sato M, Minagawa K, Shimada M, Nishimuta M, Ansai T, Yoshitake Y, Ono T, Miyazaki H: A 5-year longitudinal study of association of maximum bite force with development of frailty in community-dwelling older adults. J Oral Rehabil, 45, 17-24, 2018. [Online Journal]
  112. Iwasaki M, Borgnakke W, Yoshihara A, Ito K, Ogawa H, Nohno K, Sato M, Minagawa K, Ansai T, Miyazaki H: Hyposalivation and 10-year all-cause mortality in an elderly Japanese population. Gerodontology, 35, 87-94, 2018. [Online Journal]
  113. 佐藤美寿々,岩ア正則,皆川久美子,小川祐司,山賀孝之,葭原明弘,宮ア秀夫:地域在住高齢者における現在歯数および義歯の使用状況・主観的評価とフレイルとの関連についての横断研究,口腔衛生会誌,68, 68-75, 2018. [Online Journal]
  114. Hanindriyo L, Yoshihara A, Takiguchi T, Miyazaki H: Longitudinal study on the relationship between chronic oral pain and depressive symptoms in Japanese community-dwelling elderly. Community Dent Health, 35, 102-108, 2018. [Online Journal]
  115. Widita E, Yoshihara A, Hanindriyo L, Miyazaki H: Relationship between periodontal disease and changes in liver enzymes levels over an 8-year period in an elderly Japanese population. J Clin Periodontol, 45, 311-321, 2018. [Online Journal]
  116. Yoshihara A, Kaneko N, Iwasaki M, Nohno K, Miyazaki H: Relationship between vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism and susceptibility to chronic kidney disease and periodontal disease in community-dwelling elderly. J Clin Periodontol, 45, 672-679, 2018. [Online Journal]
  117. Iwasaki M, Borgnakke WS, Ogawa H, Yamaga M, Sato M, Minagawa K, Ansai T, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Effect of lifestyle on 6-year periodontitis incidence or progression and tooth loss in older adults. J Clin Periodontol, 45, 896-908, 2018. [Online Journal]
  118. 岩ア正則,佐藤美寿々,皆川久美子,安細敏弘,小川祐司,葭原明弘:加齢に伴う歯数の変化の軌跡と生命予後の関連 高齢期に28歯を維持することの意義,口腔衛生会誌,69, 131-138, 2019.
  119. Nonomura A, Nohno K, Ogawa H: Relationships between changes in posterior occlusal support and risk of protein-energy malnutrition among the Japanese community dwelling elderly. Dentistry, 9, 534, 2019.
  120. Yamaga T, Ogawa H, Miyazaki H: Influence of occlusal deterioration considering prosthetics on subsequent all-cause mortality in a Japanese elderly independent population. Gerodontology, 36, 163-170, 2019. [Online Journal]
  121. Yoshihara A, Kaneko N, Nohno K, Iwasaki M: Interaction between beta-3 adrenergic receptor genotype and environmental factors on periodontal progression. J Clin Periodontol, 46, 623-630, 2019. [Online Journal]
  122. Iwasaki M, Taylor GW, Sato M, Minagawa K, Ansai T, Yoshihara A: Effect of chronic kidney disease on progression of clinical attachment loss in older adults: A 4-year cohort study. J Periodontol, 90, 826-833, 2019. [Online Journal]
  123. Yoshihara A, Kaneko N, Miyamoto A, Nohno K: Interaction between and impact of IL-6 genotype and α-tocopherol levels on periodontal condition in aging individuals. J Periodont Res, 56, 139-146, 2020. [Online Journal]
  124. Yoshihara A, Suwama K, Miyamoto A, Watanabe R, Ogawa H: The relationship between sucrose intake in coffee or tea, and root or coronal caries in an elderly Japanese population. Community Dent Health, 37, 185-189, 2020. [Online Journal]
  125. Nomura Y, Kakuta E, Kaneko N, Nohno K, Yoshihara A, Hanada N: The oral microbiome of healthy Japanese people at the age of 90. Applied Sciences, 10, 6450, 2020.
  126. 濃野 要,葭原明弘,小川祐司:身体機能低下および認知機能低下の予防に寄与する口腔関連因子の解明,日本歯科医学会誌,40, 61-66, 2021.
  127. 秋山理加,濱嵜朋子,岩ア正則,角田聡子,片岡正太,茂山博代,濃野 要,葭原明弘,小川祐司,安細敏弘,宮ア秀夫:地域在宅超高齢者の食事パターンと栄養素摂取量,栄養状態および嚥下状態との関連,口腔衛生会誌,71, 136-146, 2021.
  128. 小田島祐美子,葭原明弘,渡邊智子,小川祐司:高齢者の肉の脂身の嗜好の高さに影響を及ぼす要因と身体状況,血液検査状況,食品群別・栄養素等別摂取量の関連,新潟歯学会誌,51, 15-24, 2021.
  129. Iwasaki M, Yoshihara A: Dentition status and 10-year higher-level functional capacity trajectories in older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 21, 48-53, 2021. [Online Journal]
  130. Kiswanjaya B, Yoshihara A, Miyazaki H: Low body mass index as a risk factor for the onset of porosity of the mandibular bone in the elderly. Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrad, 21, e5900, 2021.
  131. Yoshihara A, Suwama K, Miyamoto A, Watanabe R, Ogawa H: Diet and root surface caries in a cohort of older Japanese. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 49, 301-308, 2021. [Online Journal]
  132. Yoshihara A, Nakashima K, Suwama K, Odajima A, Yamaga T, Ogawa H: Interaction between serum vitamin C levels and smoking on the periodontal condition in older adults. J Periodont Res, 57, 587-593, 2022. [Online Journal]
  133. Hayashi Y, Taylor GW, Yoshihara A, Iwasaki M, Gansky SA, Miyazaki H: Relationship between autoantibody associated with rheumatoid arthritis and tooth loss. Gerodontology, in press, 2022. [Online Journal]
  134. Mizoguchi N, Nohno K, Yoshihara A, Ito K, Funayama S, Ogawa H: Association of hyper-low-density lipoprotein and hypo-high-density lipoprotein cholesterolemia with low saliva flow rates in Japanese community-dwelling elders. Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol, in press, 2022.
  135. Karawekpanyawong R, Nohno K, Kubota Y, Ogawa H: Oral health and nutritional intake in community-dwelling 90-year-old Japanese people: a cross-sectional study. Gerodontology, in press, 2022. [Online Journal]
  1. Matsumoto S, Ogawa H, Soda S, Hirayama S, Amarasena N, Aizawa Y, Miyazaki H: Effect of antimicrobial periodontal treatment and maintenance on serum adiponectin in type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Clin Periodontol, 36, 142-148, 2009. [Online Journal]
  2. Ogawa H, Matsumoto S, Hanyu O, Taylor G, Miyazaki H: Effect of periodontal treatment on serum MCP-1 in type 2 diabetes. Int J Oral Health, 8, 52-59, 2012.
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  4. Damrongrungruang T, Ogawa H, Hori-Matsumoto S, Minagawa K, Hanyu O, Sone H, Miyazaki H: Correlation between SNP genotypes and periodontitis in Japanese type II diabetic patients: a preliminary study. Odontology, 103, 233-240, 2015. [Online Journal]
  1. Shimazaki Y, Soh I, Saito T, Yamashita Y, Koga T, Miyazaki H, Takehara T: Influence of dentition status on physical disability, mental impairment, and mortality in institutionalized elderly people. J Dent Res, 80, 340-345, 2001. [Online Journal]
  2. Kimura Y, Ogawa H, Yoshihara A, Yamaga T, Takiguchi T, Wada T, Sakamoto R, Ishimoto Y, Fukutomi E, Chen W, Fujisawa M, Okumiya K, Otsuka K, Miyazaki H, Matsubayashi K: Evaluation of chewing ability and its relationship with activities of daily living, depression, cognitive status and food intake in the community-dwelling elderly. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 13, 718-725, 2013. [Online Journal]
  3. Iwasaki M, Kimura Y, Yoshihara A, Ogawa H, Yamaga T, Takiguchi T, Wada T, Sakamoto R, Ishimoto Y, Fukutomi E, Chen W, Imai H, Fujisawa M, Okumiya K, Manz MC, Miyazaki H, Matsubayashi K: Association between dental status and food diversity among older Japanese. Community Dent Health, 32, 104-110, 2015. [Online Journal]
  4. Iwasaki M, Kimura Y, Yoshihara A, Ogawa H, Yamaga T, Sato M, Wada T, Sakamoto R, Ishimoto Y, Fukutomi E, Chen W, Imai H, Fujisawa M, Okumiya K, Taylor GW, Ansai T, Miyazaki H, Matsubayashi K: Oral health status in relation to cognitive function among older Japanese. Clin Exp Dent Res, 1, 3-9, 2015.
  5. Iwasaki M, Kimura Y, Yoshihara A, Ogawa H, Yamaga T, Wada T, Sakamoto R, Ishimoto Y, Fukutomi E, Chen W, Imai H, Fujisawa M, Okumiya K, Manz MC, Ansai T, Miyazaki H, Matsubayashi K: Low dietary diversity among older Japanese adults with impaired dentition. J Dent Oral Hyg, 7, 71-77, 2015.
  6. Iwasaki M, Yoshihara A, Kimura Y, Wada T, Sakamoto R, Ishimoto T, Fukutomi E, Chen W, Imai I, Fuzisawa M, Okumiya K, Taylor GW, Ansai T, Miyazaki H: Longitudinal relationship of severe periodontitis with cognitive decline in older Japanese. J Periodont Res, 51, 681-688, 2016. [Online Journal]