In February 2025, the lecturers and postgraduate students from the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Malaya, Malaysia visited to the Division of Preventive Dentistry at the Faculty of Dentistry and WHO Collaborating Centre for Translation of Oral Health Science at Niigata University for a five-day program.
This programme is designated to foster academic collaboration, enhance research competencies, and promote cultural exchange between two universities.
Participants will engage in lecture presentations, kindergarten fieldwork and networking opportunities, which we believe will contribute significantly to their academic and personal development.
Inbound Visit Program of the Division of Preventive Dentistry and WHOCC at Niigata University
February 24 - 28, 2025
Lists of Participants:
Faculty of Dentistry, Malaya University
Assoc. Prof. Nor Azlida Mohd Nor
Dr. Ainol Haniza Kherul Anuwar
Dr. Praveen Kumar Baskaran
Dr. Patricia Ponniah Devados
Dr. Wong Fui Jak
Dr. Nur Fatehah Mohamad Yusof
Dr. Safwanah Muhamad Nor
Dr. Bibiana Hui Ying Yong
Faculty of Dentistry and WHOCC, Niigata University
Prof. Hiroshi Ogawa
Assoc. Prof. Sachiko Takehara
Asst. Prof. Kaung Myat Thwin
Asst. Prof. Kumiko Minagawa
Asst. Prof. Takashi Hoshino
Dr. Hikaru Okubo
Dr. Aulia Ramadhani
Olenka Yomira Valenzuela Torres
Schedule of the Program:
Strengthening Oral Health Services in Africa
Project Overview
Sharing the Experience from the Project to Strengthen Oral Health Services in Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia by Utilizing the WHO-listed Essential Dental Preparations
Essential Dental Preparations Featured
Silver Diamine Fluoride
Fluoride Toothpaste
Glass Ionomer Cement
Date and Time
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Regional Times:
10:00 - 11:45 GMT+1 (Brazzaville)
09:00 - 10:45 GMT
16:00 - 17:45 ICT (Bangkok, Jakarta, Hanoi)
17:00 - 18:45 PHT (Manila)
18:00 - 19:45 JST (Tokyo)
Event Details
Language: English
Interpretation: Simultaneous interpretation available in French and Portuguese
Project Introduction
Access and delivery of dental preparations
Experience sharing from Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia
Panel discussion
Organizing Institutions
WHO Collaborating Centre for Translation of Oral Health Science, Niigata University
WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Systems Development, National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM)
Project Support
This project is supported by "Projects for Global Growth of Medical Technologies in FY 2024", organized by the National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM) under the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan.
Western Pacific Regional Summary on oral health
Global oral health status report: towards universal health coverage for oral health by 2030: regional summary of the Western Pacific Region (
WPRO Press release
Oral diseases affect more than 800 million people in the Western Pacific (
新潟大学WHO-CC for Translation of Oral Health Sciencesは2022年6月15日に国際会議 "Informal Technical Discussion in The Western Pacific"を開催しました。
会議ではDr. Benoit Varenne(WHO本部口腔保健部門)から世界口腔保健戦略の展望について、Dr. April Lee Siwon(WPRO健康高齢化部門)からWPROの口腔保健戦略について紹介があり、その後Dr. Noormi Othman(マレーシア保健省)、Dr. Jenny Stephens(バヌアツ共和国公衆衛生局)、Dr. Manuel Vallesteros(フィリピン保健省)から各国における口腔保健施策について報告が行われました。
新潟大学WHO-CC for Translation of Oral Health Sciences主催のwebinar “Life-Course Oral Health Promotion; Lesson Learnt from the Western Pacific Countries”を2022年1月17日に開催しました。
新潟大学WHO CC for Translation of Oral Health Sciences主催のwebinarを2022年1月17日(月)17:00〜18:30(日本時間)に開催します。
今回のテーマは “Life-Course Oral Health Promotion; Lesson Learnt from the Western Pacific Countries”です。
新潟大学WHO CC for Translation of Oral Health Sciences主催のwebinarを8月27日(金)19:00〜20:30(日本時間)に開催します。
今回のテーマは “Promoting Oral Health in Schools”です。
WHO CC for Translation of Oral Health Sciences is offering a free webinar on Oral Health Promotion for Ageing Population on 31st March, 19.00-20.30 JST.
The aim of this webinar is to increase the awareness of oral health for ageing population and to learn recent policies in global, regional, and national perspectives.
We are honored to have two WHO officers and an officer from the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare as our speakers.
(Only limited seats available)